I was in bed sound asleep when I felt a hard push on my shoulder. It was as if someone had broken into my house and wanted me to wake up. But no one was there. I shrugged it off and fell back to sleep. Then out of nowhere, I was being hit on my leg, a hard hit as I woke up looking around the room for someone, but nothing. Was this a spirit full of playful pranks? Was it the spirit of a past owner of my house? Whatever it was, it was very real and unnerving. I was almost afraid of going back to sleep, but then I wondered if all of it had just been a dream? Can’t answer that because, to me, it was very much real.
I have had visits from a grandfather I never knew, and a grandmother who was my best friend growing up. I have had visits from my first girlfriend who passed away very early in life. I have had many experiences with visitations from spirits who couldn't let go of personal possessions that filled the shelves of a thrift store I owned a while back. So, you see, I do believe in the spirit world and take it quite seriously.
I had always thought that someday when I pass on, I will roam the spaces I once walked and pay a visit to the people I cared for when I was alive. I think I would be a friendly spirit that enjoyed scaring some and soothing others. I see myself with wings and able to go anywhere I pleased. I see me speaking to the children in a voice only they could hear. Never scary just a teaching voice. I see myself paying a late-night visit to a certain few letting them know I was there and threatening to return if they didn't shape up. Yea, I would make a good spirit and hope that day comes a long time from now.
Sleep tight
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