“Don’t let me go grandpa."
The air was warm and the water cool. It was Saturday, and two of my grandkids were paying me a visit. I believe I was the second reason they wanted to stop by. The pool was calling them. I had taught the oldest of the two how to swim years ago. I would hold him upright and tell him to move his arms and kick his feet all the while him telling me he couldn’t do it and please don’t let him go. He eventually got it and has become a great swimmer.
Now it was time to do it all again with the little guy. With his swimmies on and goggles in place, I cradled him in my arms and spoke the same words I spoke to his brother several years ago. I don't think he heard my words over his own as he started yelling "Don't let me go grandpa" "Please don't let me go" We practiced until his will to swim left, and I took a well-deserved breather.
The weeks passed, and with each visit to me and the pool, he improved. On one such visit, he proudly showed me how he could swim about ten feet all on his own with a little help from the swimmies, and life preserver around his belly. One hand on the edge of the pool and his big brother coaxing him on. Oh well, there would be plenty of time to ease his fears of sinking to the endless bottom of the pool as his brother remembered being in his exact place yelling, "Don't let me go grandpa" "Please don't let me go."
I caught the older boy looking at me as I watched his baby brother try his hardest to be just like him. He smiled at me and said, "Thanks grandpa for never letting me go."
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