The written word of my memories high up in a cloud waiting who knows how long to be seen and pondered.
Simple words in a high-tech world that may sound like wasted space, taking up bits and codes that promise a better tomorrow. Really?
It will take someone who believes he has a soul. Someone who was taught about emotions and feelings of the heart. He will see my words like a history lesson, and he will soak those words up and retain them.
Dusty books will be keepsakes, but few will ever smell a book, or flip through its pages. Most won’t know the feeling of fulfillment knowing those words are now a part of them, of their memories.
We are a nation of readers that’s true, but technology has taken something away as well as given us great gifts. Tablets, I phone, and who knows what down the line? But nothing can really take the place of a real honest to God book.
Laying next to your child and reading a bedtime story just isn’t the same when you can’t turn the page or allow them to. Seeing the expressions of excitement waiting for that next picture or verse that eventually puts them to sleep
Don’t get me wrong, I know technology is here to stay, but machines are cold and without a presence.
As I feel the time that has passed, I remember the times yet to be. I keep the dust off my books and set them around different places in my house, where little hands can pick one up, maybe chosen by its bright colored cover, or a catchy title. I smile as I wait to hear the words, "Grandpa read this to me."
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