Walked the streets of everywhere trying hard not to be seen
He hid a pot of endless wealth beneath a giant tree
Where rainbows start and sometimes end with things you never see
He came upon a red-haired lass her tears were flowing fast
She wondered if the lad she loved, truly loved her back?
It's said that some will see the pot as full as it could be
But hearts that beat forever one will see it quite empty
It's like a pot of Irish stew that simmers until it's done
But all stews start as empty pots until you add the love
He told her that a love was true if two hearts beat as one
But if the love was just by one, then she should surely run
Run and touch the rainbow as it kisses mother earth
Then take the pot and show to him exactly what your worth
If he says he loves, you as he sees an empty pot
Grab on to him and don't let go, his love cannot be bought
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