Soon, the cold and grays of winter will be replaced with the colors and rebirths of springtime splendor. What once lay dormant beneath the snowy crystals of white will break free and spread across the land like a beautiful plague. The silence of winter nights will be replaced with street traffic as people rush to do nothing but enjoy the hint of warmer weather crawling their way. Then, one sun-filled morning, you awaken to see tulips of red and yellow, pink and white blooming where the bulbs bloomed. Soon, the grass will sprout around the remaining patches of snow, but Spring is no place for that as the last of the ice soldiers melt into the ground to await another year. Today, I will wrap myself in a warm sweater, as winter coats are not needed. I will brew a cup of Earl Gray and sit on my porch slowly gazing at every tulip, every blade of grass, and every bird that sings his welcome song of Spring.
Mike 2024
You are an awesome writer !