Saturday, June 30, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Pen to paper
Author Mike OConnor: Pen to paper: I squinted by the flickering candlelight bent on finishing the story I was writing. I began this piece months ago never realizing ho...
Pen to paper
Author Mike OConnor: Broken things
Author Mike OConnor: Broken things: His body ached with the pains of his past, his mind on constant alert for newcomers. He shouldn’t work so hard but being lazy is rese...
Broken things
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Balance
Author Mike OConnor: Balance: There is a place I know of its not so far away. I go there to let my mind and body reclaim a state of balance that truly is me. ...
There is a place
I know of its not so far away. I go there to let my mind and body reclaim a
state of balance that truly is me. I let go of the negative things that haunt
me, knowing I can’t fix them. I reach deeply into my past to align it with the
present riding myself of everything I consider poison. I do this drug free
unlike the older times when a hit of acid would Transend me to whatever came
into my mind. I don’t condone drug use even though I believe they did open a
pathway into my soul that never could have been reached without them. The
carefree days of music, free love and peace were the times in my life I
remember the most and always will. Camping in the forest, swimming in the quarry
naked as the day we were born into this world. Walking from campsite to
campsite sharing whatever we had and always that feeling of being loved by all
those around us. I can still smell the air filled with incense and weed blowing
across the meadow watching as people caught fireflies in mason jars. Those
times were unique to those of us who were there. Some try to recreate it today
but fall short I think because their life’s leading up to today are just to
different from ours. So now I go to a not so far away place and go back in time
letting my mind and soul become balanced once again like it use to be when a
gathering of people was a loving, peaceful place to be
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Miles
Author Mike OConnor: Miles: Miles are all that separate and prevent us from being all we can be for each other. Asphalt and rest stops, gas stations and fast fo...
Monday, June 25, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The "Shoots"
Author Mike OConnor: The "Shoots": The ice had barely moved down the river on its way over the mighty Niagara Falls when swimming fever hit us hard. Our parents did the...
The "Shoots"
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Lesson learned
Author Mike OConnor: Lesson learned: He was a giant of a man to a small boy looking up at him. He was a policeman as well which made his appearance even more frightening....
Lesson learned
Author Mike OConnor: Reality
Author Mike OConnor: Reality: A black bird came to rest on a tree limb just a few feet from where I sat resting my weary bones. I’ve been on this old dirt road for what...
Author Mike OConnor: Tears
Author Mike OConnor: Tears: A tear rolled down her cheek as she waited for her time on earth to be complete. She didn’t fear death as she knew her life was a go...
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Saturday dreams
Author Mike OConnor: Saturday dreams: Saturday morning and you lay in bed for a few more precious minutes of sleep. Even though you’ve been awake for an hour. Its hard to ...
Saturday dreams
Friday, June 22, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Snapshots
Author Mike OConnor: Snapshots: Small wisps of smoke move out of my mouth into the stagnant air in a room marked as the place I tell my tales. The walls are covered...
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: My way
Author Mike OConnor: My way: I did it the only way I knew. Trial and error. I fell off the proverbial horse many times and climbed back up only to be thrown again. I w...
My way
I did it the only way I knew. Trial and error. I fell off
the proverbial horse many times and climbed back up only to be thrown again. I
walked in the rain and got wet but dried off and continued my journey. I
scraped my knees more than once and winced for a moment before finishing the
job. Life threw me many a curve ball, but I swung anyway and sometimes hit a
home run and other times struck out. I am at a stage of my life now when I have
so many memories spilling out of my head I sometimes find it impossible to make
sense of them, but I try…
Years didn’t go by quickly when I was younger. It seemed
there was more time to enjoy the “moments” the “special times” whereas now I
find myself scrambling to make more memories before I forget them. I picture
the faces of old friends before I cannot. I pay more attention to things I once
took for granted, sunsets, thunder storms, and the wind blowing the trees. The
smells of my life that always pleased me like an apple pie baking, fresh cut
grass, lilacs and roses.
It isn’t over yet or at least I hope not. There are still
things to do, place to see, people to love. I have been around the world and
was too young to realize what a gift that was, but I do have some memories that
managed to sneak out occasionally. I still want a cabin in the forest to spend
time with a big fireplace made of field stone with a huge hearth, and a
big window so I can look out at the beauty of the trees and the seasons. Not a
big cabin just big enough for me and an occasional visitor.
With age they say comes wisdom. I have always had wisdom I
just didn’t use it properly all the time. I learned a lot from the “ancients”
and their old school beliefs that to this day I cherish and believe in
strongly. I also learned from god whom without I am certain I would be six feet
under a long time ago. I am not a religious man per say but I believe in god
and speak to him every day. I don’t attend church with others but visit every
so often when the building is empty.
I am a proud father and grandfather. I am a proud man with
few regrets and many thanks. I am the caretaker of my life and the master of my
fate. I will ride the waves until there are no more to ride and the winds no
longer blow across the bow.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: One sweet breath
Author Mike OConnor: One sweet breath: Long before I was blessed with the gift of life a plan was made. One that I was to carry out without question or doubt. The only problem...
One sweet breath

Learning to work for what I wanted rather than have it just
handed to me was that a taste of all the hard work I did over the course of so
many years? Eating what was on my plate if I liked it or not, was that a sample
of what I would endure trying to keep my children fed when times were hard?
Walking through the frozen winter woods, the quiet
surrounding me with a peaceful whisper. Was that my introduction to a walk-through
life where I had to listen more than I spoke?
Reflecting every chance, I got on the past was that or is
that a slide show I am to remember for all time or at least until I can’t see
the pictures as clear as I once could?
I will forever believe it was all drawn out while I was
seated beside my god who with one sweet breath sent me on my journey.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Smiles and a smoke ring
Author Mike OConnor: Smiles and a smoke ring: I closed my eyes and remembered you. Your pants were baggy and the white undershirt with sleeves rolled up was the look I remember. Y...
Smiles and a smoke ring
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Broken treasures
Author Mike OConnor: Broken treasures: I suppose I was a typical kid who loved collecting things I found along my travels through the neighborhood and surrounding area. While ot...
Broken treasures

As I grew up my
quest for the rare and bazar continued right along with me. Living near the
beach I would spend countless hours slowly combing through the sea grass and
usually found at least one treasure to take home. I’m sure I got noticed
walking back from the shore dragging a ten-foot piece of rope or half a surfboard.
I carried a bag with me for the small stuff like one flip flop, a colorful pail,
sea glass and unique seashells just to name a few. My garage was piling up with
all my finds and that didn’t go over to well with my wife.
One day as I was
sitting on the back patio watching my kids in the pool I was struck with an idea.
My entire back yard was fenced in. It was a wooden privacy fence that for lack
of a better word was “naked” The perfect place to display my years of beach combing.
It took a while, but I carefully mounted my finds on that fence adding to it every
time I took a walk. Cheap sunglasses, beach toys, a lobster trap, old signs,
netting, fishing poles and tackle, it was endless, and the fence took on a
whole new meaning. My neighbors would stop by to have a look and some even
donated things they had found so within a few months the fence was full and
quite a sight to see.
The local
newspaper did a story on my fence and people came from all around to see it,
taking pictures and marveling at my treasures. Time passed, and we sold that
house. The new owners took everything down and discarded it like trash which I
suppose it was to them. To me it was years of walking the beach with my kids
and my friends who all became a part of my quest for broken treasures
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Feel the words
Author Mike OConnor: Feel the words: My life was molded by her sight. It was she who showed me the wonders of the world in my own backyard. We would sit on the grass ben...
Feel the words

Author Mike OConnor: A collector of "Stuff"
Author Mike OConnor: A collector of "Stuff": He was a collector of stuff, wasn’t he? I know look at all of this. She wiped tears from her face as she held onto his hairbrush, was i...
A collector of "Stuff"
He was a collector of stuff, wasn’t he? I know look at all
of this. She wiped tears from her face as she held onto his hairbrush, was it
wrong to touch his things? She held one of his shirts smelling his scent not
caring anymore if the tears fell in buckets. He put on one of his favorite hats
and didn’t take it off for a long time., it went in the keeper box. They sat
together on the floor going through picture albums seeing him in his youth when
their life was just beginning. Shots at the beach and favorite fishing holes,
his rods standing in the corner next to his tackle box that showed the scars of
so many years of use. Wish we had gone more. Going through the drawers and
finding secrets of his life that they felt they shouldn’t be seeing because
they were his secrets not theirs. An old folding knife, two ace of spades
playing cards, why two? A selection of keys that went to who knows what?
Assorted tools and boxes of picture hooks, just one mans stuff. They went
through his clothes and remembered he wasn’t much of a fashion type guy just a
lot of t-shirts, jeans and a couple of worn leather jackets. He loved to ride.
The old Harley was in the shed and the boy said they would sell it. His old
pick up truck was well kept but to many memories so it to would be sold. He was
a simple man with his own story like all of us have. He was a good man who kept
to himself but always there when called on. Where is he now? Is he looking down
at them, his children crying for him, his whole life in front of them with more
to be found as they sort it all out on a cloudy October day. He was looking
down at them he will always be watching them and waiting with an endless smile
upon his face.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Aged tears
Author Mike OConnor: Aged tears: The old rocking chair squeaked to the rhythm of my knees. Slowly and with reason. looking down upon the sleeping face of my great grandc...
Aged tears
The old
rocking chair squeaked to the rhythm of my knees. Slowly and with reason.
looking down upon the sleeping face of my great grandchild as she slept in a cocoon
of warmth and contentment. A soft breeze swept through the open porch tiny
whirlpools of autumn leaves dancing across the wooden floor. One of my aged
tears fell onto her cheek and she moved ever so slightly but didn’t wake.
Why did I
cry? Maybe it was my knowledge of impending departure and not being able to see
her grow into a fine lady that would fulfill a dream. Maybe the one she was
having at this moment? My dreams now seemed to revolve around the years past
and not so much those yet to be. The breeze was getting cooler and I pulled her
closer to me. My wisps of white hair danced across her face and made her smile.
Her eyes opened, and we met for the first time. She looked puzzled but not
scared. My bearded face and long white hair certainly wasn’t that of her
mother. My weathered skin she touched with her tiny hands wasn’t that of the
smoothness she was accustomed to.
I looked
deep into her blue eyes and all my hopes and dreams for her seemed to filter
through to her as she held my finger and smiled. A child is such a perfect gift
we sometimes forget how lucky and blessed we truly are. Darkness found us both
asleep on the old wooden porch until the softness of my granddaughter’s hand on
my cheek woke me. Just another minute sweetie. Just another minute.
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: At peace
Author Mike OConnor: At peace: He shuffled his feet across the bedroom and into the kitchen. He didn’t know what day it was, didn’t much care. Almost robotic he op...
At peace

Friday, June 8, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: A million and one
Author Mike OConnor: A million and one: A wisp of her hair was touched by the breeze gently sending it across her aging face. Her slender hand pushed it back in place, her g...
A million and one
Author Mike OConnor: Lunch date
Author Mike OConnor: Lunch date: She sat by the window looking down at the street below, watching for her lunch date to arrive. She had spent the morning getting re...
Lunch date
She sat by the
window looking down at the street below, watching for her lunch date to arrive.
She had spent the morning getting ready, she thought she had made the perfect
choice in dresses and painted her nails to match. It was hot outside so she put
her hair up which she thought made her look older but that was o.k. She sat
looking twirling the multi colored bracelet he had given her on her last
birthday, his last visit. She understood he was a busy man with important things
to do all she wanted was to spend a little time with him as she loved him so
very much. She ran downstairs as she saw his car coming up the driveway almost
tripping in the high heel shoes she seldom wore. He got out of his car opening
his arms as she jumped into them kissing his cheek leaving her small lipstick
mark that would stay on him the rest of their day, and what a wonderful day it was.
She felt like a princess and he a king as every eight-year-old should feel when
daddy asks them out for a date.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Two lifetimes
Author Mike OConnor: Two lifetimes: He always wore one strap down on his faded overalls and the soles on his favorite work boots had been re-souled more times than even...
Two lifetimes

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The old hotel
Author Mike OConnor: The old hotel: its late and sleep stays an arm’s length away. I stare at the ceiling of the old hotel by the river counting the shapes and patterns ...
The old hotel
Author Mike OConnor: Sitting alone
Author Mike OConnor: Sitting alone: I sat alone in the church today. The silence took over my mind as I started praying for those I love. I asked God to guide them du...
Sitting alone
I sat alone in
the church today. The silence took over my mind as I started praying for those
I love. I asked God to guide them during trying times and un-certainty, I
allowed time for him to answer me which he did with the silence. I lit a candle
for my mother who keeps such a special place in my heart asking that she find
peace and comfort until she sits beside him for all eternity. I spoke softly at
times wanting to be sure I was being heard as my eyes filled with tears and my
heart swelled with belief and comfort. I come here often when I feel the need
for a personal conversation with God and the saints that I know hear my voice
even in a whisper.
Author Mike OConnor: His walk was slowand carefully planned, he h...
Author Mike OConnor:
His walk was slowand carefully planned, he h...: His walk was slow and carefully planned, he had fallen once, and it landed him in the hospital and rehab for what he thought an ete...
His walk was slowand carefully planned, he h...: His walk was slow and carefully planned, he had fallen once, and it landed him in the hospital and rehab for what he thought an ete...
His walk was slow
and carefully planned, he had fallen once, and it landed him in the hospital
and rehab for what he thought an eternity. The doctors told him to use a cane,
but it made him feel old and for Gods sake he was only eighty-eight. He entered
the public library a place he loved going to walk the isles and look at the sheer
magnitude of people’s writings. Billions of words that came out of people’s
minds and hearts put on paper and preserved for time unknown. He saved the last
isle for last as he did every visit. Carefully he scanned the shelves even
though he knew exactly where it was, after all hadn’t he reached for it a
hundred times or more? As he held the book in his hands the memories began to
flood back, some didn’t as his mind was sharp but not like it was when he wrote
the book over fifty years ago. The pages were worn and a little faded much like
himself, but he sat and read it from cover to cover like he had done so many
times before. The card on the inside said seventy-six people had checked the
book out and he wondered if they enjoyed reading it? He smiled a crooked little
smile and imagined some probably thought he was a bit on the crazy side. He
finished reading until the next time, slowly walking outside into the
brightness of a summer day he smiled again passing by people on their way in.
He wondered if one of them was number seventy-seven?
Author Mike OConnor: The voice
Author Mike OConnor: The voice: She loved to sing, she said it helped her feel good about herself. Our house was always filled with her angelic voice and without i...
The voice
She loved to
sing, she said it helped her feel good about herself. Our house was always
filled with her angelic voice and without it home was just a house. As a child
I learned to love the songs and most got planted firmly in my memory. When she
passed a part of my world was silenced. I felt a loss, a void I never thought I
could fill. As a young man I discovered my own voice and often sang the songs
she once did bringing back my memories and the great love I had for her. Now in
my golden years I still find the words and the melodies, some a bit forgotten
but all a beautiful blessing of song and love from the lady with the angelic
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: I believe in you
Author Mike OConnor: I believe in you: They look up at you and the trust and love is overwhelming. A Small package craving everything you have to offer. Their desire for l...
I believe in you

Monday, June 4, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Summer heat
Author Mike OConnor: Summer heat: The sun was relentless as I tried to get some outside work done. Each breath was like inhaling steam from hell itself. My movements w...
Summer heat
Author Mike OConnor: No trade
Author Mike OConnor: No trade: I slip on the old leather jacket pausing a moment to reflect on all the battle scars it has endured over thousands of miles where the rubb...
No trade

The horse hair boot brush slowly goes back and forth across
the surface of my old boots trying to bring up a shine, but my days of endless
brushing have been replaced with a few good swipes to get the road dust off.
They have been re-soled a few times, but they fit like a glove and I wouldn’t
trade them for anything….
My trusted steel pony awaits me like it has for forty-five
years. She’s a bit tired like I am but will start most every time and take me
to places only we can go. I have to carry a tool kit now and some extra parts
because every so often it has to break something. yea kind of like me. But I
wouldn’t trade it for anything….
I stay on the back roads now to crazy on the super slabs
everybody in such a damn hurry to get nowhere. My idea of a nice ride isn’t
almost getting killed by a texter. So, I cruise the country side sharing my
time with the trees and cows behind fences. I smell the air and feel the warmth
against my face. When I need a break, I pull off to the side and have a smoke.
Yea I know but I’ve been sucking on these sticks for fifty some years and I
guess I wouldn’t trade it for anything….
Got a picture of her on my windshield, been there a little
while now. I took the sissy pad off the back because once she was gone no one
else would ever ride behind me. She’s up in heaven now looking down on this old
biker. Smiling I hope knowing I still carry her with me on every ride. I feel
her with me, I smell her scent and feel her hands on my waist. I talk to her
during my rides and I always will. I wouldn’t trade that for anything….
Friday, June 1, 2018
A silent soul

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