Saturday morning
and you lay in bed for a few more precious minutes of sleep. Even though you’ve
been awake for an hour. Its hard to break sleep patterns. In the background a
tv plays a video game on low volume which makes you wonder if your teenage son
stayed up all night? The other child ended up in bed with you sometime during
the night and now enjoys the safety of nightmare free slumber. You stare at the
ceiling letting go of the sleep and thinking about what this day will bring? A
trip to the beach maybe, a picnic at the park? You thank God for giving you
this day as you plan breakfast in your mind. Flap jacks, waffles, maybe some
sausage with home made jam? You wonder if there is any orange juice left but
think probably not as your teenage son surely made several tripe to the fridge during
the night. You notice your husband has been up and gone for some time now he
always was an early riser. Just thinking about him and the kids brings a smile
to your face as you slowly get out of your bed and reach for the walker that
will lead you into another Saturday. You smile some more as you remember all
those Saturdays that were real and not just pleasant dreams.
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