Sunday, March 9, 2025

As we age

 As we age, we have a chance to beat the odds every day. We are given the time to make good with our past and not dream too far into the future.

Getting older means we've had time to learn and absorb life to its fullest while realizing every day lived is one we will never have again.

I don't remember waking up one day, seeing myself in the mirror, and wondering how I had gotten here so quickly. Who was that person with silver hair and weathered wrinkles? Where did I go?

Aging means accepting the aches and pains, the loss of friends and family, and the realization that one day, tears will fall for you. It means you can get away with things a younger person can't and laugh inside knowing you have.

Growing old is as natural as the rebirth of Spring flowers, which blossom for a while but eventually turn back into the ground. If we've lived the life we were given to the fullest, we will realize that age is who we are from birth to death and everything in between, and it's up to us to fill in the gaps of stories written and those yet to be.

Mike 2025                                                   

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