Sunday, February 2, 2025

Once upon my time

 I was happy once upon a time. I would laugh so hard my mouth hurt, and tears would roll down my face so hard I thought I'd drown in them. I was wild back then when age was just a number and fun was what I lived for. I was charming, yet I could be hurtful if I didn't think before I spoke. I thrived on danger, riding my bike down mountain roads and living just to do it again. Jumping off bridges into rapids, But I also tried to avoid harm when I realized I was getting closer to an ending I didn't write.

Then, as if time took a giant leap forward, I was old. The thrill days were behind me, as was the lifestyle I lived with a passion and will never forget.

If you saw me today, you would see the scars, some hidden beneath the wrinkles of age while others stand out, leaving you wondering about the life I lived. Where once vivid tattoos adorned my skin are now faded roadmaps to nowhere covered with age spots.

I didn't want to grow old, but nobody does. But If I try, I can still find some happiness in the eyes of my grandchildren, whose innocence and energy find their way into my heart. Moments like that take me back to the times spent with my children as their teacher, their friend, and the one person on this earth who never stopped loving them.

I often wonder what I'll miss the most, and the list is long and includes hearing the roar of a waterfall, the serenity of the forests, a baby's cry wanting to be held, and those three little words that never get old.

I'll miss morning coffee with the one I love, a stroll down a country road, and the smell of freshly mowed grass, muscle cars, Harleys, chocolate cake, and Ferris wheels.

Every day, I remember and forget my journey as my hourglass slowly stops moving and my life fades to black. Now, moving on to my next chapters, I know I will write someplace dreams are made of, and those around me will voice their approval, bringing a smile and tears to their eyes as they hear my words that went unnoticed and unread until now.

Mike 2025                                                          

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