Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday with Zeppelin


A Sunday morning like most others except for the chaos in the world. Un rest and pandemics fill the airwaves and social media with pictures of death and pain. Losses of human life like we’ve never seen and we pray it will end so beauty can shine again.

I listened to music from my youth today, Led zeppelin with their magical ability to transform me into memories of days and nights filled with emotions I have not felt since. The music ran through me like electric blood piercing through my veins until exploding in an ending that forced tears to flow freely and with great meaning. A mark had been left on my very soul.

My generation felt the music, it became a part of who you were and waiting for the next album was like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Braving frigid temperatures waiting in line at the record store protecting it from the elements we’d race home, carefully opening the album eyes wide open as we looked at the artwork and read the lyrics while the virgin album began its journey into my head and my soul.

For weeks we would listen to the new songs some having favorites while others just couldn’t as each song touched them in some way. To this day when I hear Stairway to heaven, I am transported back in time where myself and good friends sat on the floor of an attic bedroom giving in to the magic that was Zeppelin. Decades have since passed but here I am on a Sunday afternoon giving my mask a rest, listening to the music of my youth remembering we were the first to hear these songs of change.

I’m much older now living in a time that time has all but forgot. But it was our time and we lived it to the fullest. The last song just finished and the needle from my old record player makes that scratching sound that reminds me even more that I was meant to be exactly where I was that rock will always live in my soul and that stairway to heaven is so much more than just a song title.


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