Silence surrounds me as my journey through the forest begins. My grandfather told me the quiet in the woods is an alarm of sorts. When nothing is heard not even the voices of the smallest creatures, there is fear among them and staying silent is their protection until the threat leaves.
There is no need for conversation between people in the forest; it can wait until you leave the trees behind you. Listening to the creatures big and small teaches you their language . The smallest hum of a bee or the low growl of a wolf letting others know they are not alone, that possible danger lurks around the path made of dirt.
There is an army in every forest. A soldier and a scout sent to the front lines to observe and report back to a specific location where chatter rings through the trees warning of coming danger.As we approach the critter command post branches become bridges for smaller critters like rabbits and squirrels who scurry off deep into the woods and away from potential harm. A pair of green eyes camouflaged in the bushes stays quietly until we pass never knowing she was watching us and ready at any given moment to strike if she felt threatened in any way.
Deep into the trees, the chatter had grown silent as most of the animals of the woods were hiding away in small fortresses built for such an occasion. I didn’t carry a gun, a bow or even a knife. My intent was never to hunt or kill the creatures of the forest. My journey into another world was only for knowledge and understanding. I believe that after several more visits into the trees, some of the voices will not be in fear but in welcome to the hunter who wanted only to walk in peace, quiet and understanding.
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