For decades we think we are invincible. We live on the edge, not giving a thought to tomorrow and what it really means. Life is a game we play believing there will always be time to make more money, save some money, and live a comfortable life in our golden years. We party like animals, abuse our bodies and our minds with moments that mean nothing in the long run. We call drinking buddies friends but forget their names after we sober up. We give only what we must give in our careers thinking we are too valuable and could never be replaced. Until we are.
We continue down this path until something clicks in our brain, and we wake up one morning with no real friends as they parted ways when they realized all we were was somebody to get wasted with. We look around a messy room in a low rent building where cry’s in the night are common, and others like yourself blame everything and everyone for their bad luck. Now is the time for a change you tell yourself as you drain the last swallow from a bottle of gin.
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