Boats were being uncovered and readied for that first day on the river after the last chunks of ice were gone for another year. Cars that became works of power and art during the cold months of winter were on the streets showing their stuff right alongside the motorcycles that went through complete rebuilds in frigid garages that got a little heat from space heaters. To me, Spring was like a giant curtain that lifted, and all that was frozen and dreary revealed itself in a splash of colors and awe.
Spring also meant smells. The farmer's fields and the blossoms of fruit trees filled your senses with natures perfumes. The smell of fresh paint and fertile soil. Freshly baked pies that cooled beneath the kitchen window tempting one with a passing thought of reaching for it. The smell of chlorine as backyard swimming pools were shocked into swimmable water. And the mac daddy of all scents freshly mowed lawns. Being a part of all this splendor makes me miss the seasons so much, but I have my memories, and they never let me down.
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