Her nimble
fingers toyed with her long braided hair, something she had done most of her life.
The afternoon sun was warm on her face as it passed through the glass window as
if on a mission to warm her. She cocked her head when she thought she heard a
song from her past, but it wasn't, just another daydream. She woke early this
morning as her son was coming for a visit. She asked the nurse to help her with
her dress and hair that she preferred braided as that’s how he would remember her.
She smiled when telling the nurse she wouldn’t be taking lunch today as her boy was
taking her to a restaurant they use to go to many years ago. She looked at her
reflection in the mirror and saw the woman she had become in so many journeys
around the sun. There
was no vanity or sadness, she had grown old like fortunate people did and
anticipated each day with grace andpatience.
She knew her time was drawing to an end, but she held no regrets as her life
was full and with meaning. Her beautiful son came and got her slowly walking
the grounds in autumn splendor. They spoke of memories each had held onto and
sometimes no words were needed the only sound being the wheels of her now only chair.
He took her to their favorite restaurant that may seem odd to some, but it was
a place she could afford back then, and it was a place where they could talk
and listen. He stood at the counter placing their orders that hadn’t changed in
fifty years. Two fish platters with slaw and a couple of root beers. He looked
at her as she looked around tasting freedom again never wanting this moment to end.
They ate slowly and spoke of days gone by each adding a remembered vacation, or
a new suit for graduation. They filled their time together with laughter and
love until it was time to take her back. He sat with her for a while longer
then softly kissed her forehead taking in the scent of her perfume and the
softness of her hand as she held onto him as tightly as she could. Her boy
left, and a part of her went with him. She knew he would be shedding a tear or
two just as she was doing when the nurse came in and wanted to hear all about
her day. She wiped her tired eyes, smiled and began to speak. www.facebook.com/mikeoconnor-author www.michaeloconnorwriter.com
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