He didn’t pay
much mind to the aches and stiffness in his tired body, he knew it was coming
decades ago. True some of his present condition was from hard work always
taking on more than he should have. Why carry one log when with a little
struggle he could manage three. Inhis younger days chopping down trees was good
exercise, little did he know at the time swinging that ax would take its toll.
He smiled as he remembered how he would carry his kids on his shoulders each
taking turns until worn out with happiness he had to quit. So many hot
summer days of tire swings into the pond doing flips and testing every muscle
in your body but always time for just one more. Shoveling snow that had no end
until your arms would surely come right out of the sockets, but you kept on
because you promised the biggest snow fort on the planet. He never expected he
would help carry six coffins in his lifetime the weight of sorrow almost too
much to bear. He didn’t pay much mind to all his aches and pains because each
one was a memory of the life he lived and the people he loved. "Yep,"
he said as he slowly got up from his chair knowing in the deepest part of his
heart that he would do it all again if given a chance but that's not the way it
works is it? "Nope," he said to himself as he flexed his bicep
laughing out loud like any old man would. www.facebook.com/mikeoconnor-author www.michaeloconnorwriter.com
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