Monday, July 30, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: My book
Author Mike OConnor: My book: I write every day because each piece reflects a memory in some way and because tomorrow isn’t promised. Every memory is precious. [...
My book
I write every day
because each piece reflects a memory in some way and because tomorrow isn’t
promised. Every memory is precious. [G1]
As a young boy, I
began my journey as a writer and teller of tales.
Words got trapped in my head looking for a way out and my grandmother told me
to write the words down that someday I would read those words (saved in a blue
notebook for decades) and know who I was, and who I was becoming. I read the
tales in that notebook when I was fifty-nine years old. My grandma long since
departed, but with me in every word I wrote then and now. Memories are a part
of all of us and should be kept so our children and generations of children to
come can get to know their ancestors in ways only personal writings can
I wrote my book
“Raw emotions” based on my memories of youth and adulthood touching on moments
frozen in time until released on my keyboard for all eternity. It was my
intention to have something I could leave behind, a part of me that time won’t
be able to forget. My great, great grandchildren will know who I was and what
my beliefs and emotions were as they read my words and get to know me as told
by me. All of us are remembered in some way when our journey is complete, I
hope my book serves as an invitation to my future family to understand where my
life took me and how I remembered it.
Michael Oconnor
“Raw emotions” available at barnesandnoble .com
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Love songs
Author Mike OConnor: Love songs: She looked out her kitchen window with tears of love falling down her cheeks , she was remembering him and how he would sing to he...
Love songs
She looked out
her kitchen window with tears of love falling down her cheeks, she was remembering him and how
he would sing to her. In the morning he would sing her a song, his beautiful
voice burning into her heart with each note. He sang from deep within himself
his voice, his words piercing her soul.
She carried that song with her throughout that day and all yet to come. When
she was unhappy for some reason he would sing her an uplifting song, taking her
hand and dancing with her as his beautiful voice filled the house with happiness.
She never
knew when he would break into song as sometimes he would in the strangest
places, like the grocery store where he would start singing songs from old
records he so dearly loved.
People would stop and listen showing their appreciation with applause which he
ate up with a smile as big as his voice. As age caught up with them he
continued to sing to her sometimes not remembering every word, but she did as
she had listened to all of them for so many years. Theirs was a happy marriage,
a happy life, it was a life of song and expression from a quiet man with a
soothing voice that she would miss so very much. As she looked out her kitchen
window she saw him standing there in his Sunday suit holding a bunch of
wildflowers softly singing to her and she smiled a little smile softly humming
the melody of true love.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The man in back
Author Mike OConnor: The man in back: He sat in the back of the auditorium blending in with the darkness. It had been twenty years since he left and never looked back lea...
The man in back
Friday, July 27, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Why?
Author Mike OConnor: Why?: Darkness finally arrived finding him laying in bed eyes glued to the ceiling, deep into his thoughts of days gone by. He was a youn...
Darkness finally
arrived finding him laying in bed eyes glued to the ceiling, deep into his
thoughts of days gone by. He was a young man in his thoughts, handsome, smart
and ready to take on the world. He moved in the right circles and obtained
great wealth and notoriety in the corporate world. A lot was sacrificed in
those days
so his golden years could be lived out in style and comfort. Now as he lays in
an imported bed from Spain with silk sheets a nurse just feet away to be at his
beckon call and the best equipment money can buy to help keep him alive, he
wonders if it was all worth it? There would be no around the world cruise or
winters in Paris. He wouldn’t get to spend time, quality time with his family
and friends. He would lay in this beautiful bed staring at the ceiling trapped
in his own body unable to move, talk or even cry as the tears have long since dried up. "Why,"
he asked himself over and over, why can't anyone hear his cries for help as he
hears them day and night? The nurse ends her shift, and another takes her place
making sure he is comfortable speaking softly to him as his blank stare up at the
ceiling goes on and on. If he could just reach the machine that breaths life
into his empty shell of a man, he would shut it off once and for all and drift
as far back as his memories would take him when his body moved like a child at
play and his mind was that of a scholar. He should have put more thought into
the document he signed so long ago stating he wished to be kept alive no matter
what. because now that no matter what has become a "No matter"
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Those hands
Author Mike OConnor: Those hands: He looked at his hands remembering each scar and knotted fingers. He could feel the pain all over again as he relived the ro...
Those hands
He looked at his
hands remembering each scar and knotted fingers. He could feel the pain all
over again as he relived the roads to who he is now. Small towns offering
nothing but hard labor, endless days of working in the fields, mines, and
sawmills, anything to make a dollar or earn a meal. He learned to do many
things with his hands some that stayed with him and he became a master of many
trades that he would pass along to other young men just trying to survive. Life
was hard back then, but it was all he knew so to him it meant just one thing,
working hard was his pathway to make something out of himself. Time passed, and
the scars faded, the blisters now rock hard callouses that he sometimes scraped
at with his pocket knife. The veins in his hands stuck out like roadmaps of
where he had been, his nails short and now dirt free. A single tear fell from
his furrowed brow knowing those hands that could raise buildings, or build
bridges were now just the hands of an old man who needs them both to hold a cup
of coffee.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Overload
Author Mike OConnor: Overload: Memories flashed through his mind so fast they sometimes slammed into each other causing a momentary loss of ev...

Sunday, July 22, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Special
Author Mike OConnor: Special: He sat on the on curb in front of his house watching as the other boys his age played a game of touch football. He never got picked for ...
He sat on the on curb in front of his house watching as the
other boys his age played a game of touch football. He never got picked for a
side because the other boys said he was weird. He didn’t feel any different
except for the way he walked with a limp of sorts, his mom said he was born a
little more special than the other kids, but he didn’t feel special, he felt
left out. All he could remember of his childhood years was sitting on that darn
curb and being alone with only his thoughts and a strong desire to just be one
of the boys. His teen age years didn’t change the way things were he was never
asked to dance or play any sports, but he found a way to forget by reading
books. He read tales of giant white whales and the adventures of two country
boys. He became so obsessed with books he almost forgot what reality and
fiction really were. As a man he began to write, he started with stories of his
youth and the loneliness he lived daily. He wrote about feeling inadequate but
knowing in truth he was not. He became a very famous author who wrote over
thirty books in his lifetime many of which went on to become best sellers. He
still walks with a limp of sorts but now its how people recognize him, that
famous author with a special walk.
Author Mike OConnor: Silent life
Author Mike OConnor: Silent life: She sat at the back of the church wiping away the tears of sorrow ever so discreetly much like their love was. Her heart was broken just l...
Silent life
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Choices
Author Mike OConnor: Choices: He knew full well that the path he has taken in life was by choice, his choice. It was him that made hasty decisions on m...

Friday, July 20, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Happy hours
Author Mike OConnor: Happy hours: Friday night, the work week over and time to have some fun. He looked in the mirror remembering the good old days when leaving work e...
Happy hours
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Evening walks
Author Mike OConnor: Evening walks: She held onto her grandpa’s hand feeling safe and loved. she looked forward to their evening walks in the country where grandpa had lived ...
Evening walks
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Same but different
Author Mike OConnor: Same but different: He sat at the same bar stool he did when he first began drinking at eighteen. The stool was in the same bar his dad drank in every da...
Same but different
Friday, July 13, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Rivers edge
Author Mike OConnor: Rivers edge: Sitting on a rock at the river's edge she remembered her life in bits and pieces like a slow moving picture show. There were i...
Rivers edge
Author Mike OConnor: Routine
Author Mike OConnor: Routine: He woke up sore this morning, seemed like every muscle in his body ached. After a few grunts and groans he shuffled into th...

He woke up sore this morning,
seemed like every muscle in his body ached. After a few grunts and groans he
shuffled into the kitchen and started the coffee. No fancy one cup things for
him he liked to listen and smell the coffee percolate in the same pot he’s been
using for as long as he can remember. The shower felt good on his sore muscles,
so he spent a few extra minutes in there before the daily ritual of shaving
with an old straight edge his dad had given to him way back when. Besides who
in their right mind would use a throw away plastic razor that in his mind were
for ladies’ legs. He pulled out a clean white t-shirt from the drawer and a
pair of clean blue jeans that had more patches than an old bike tube. Back
in the kitchen he put on the work boots he just bought recently as the last
pair that he wore for three years had all but busted open at every seem. He
poured a cup of coffee and sipped at it while he fried a couple of eggs that he
had with a single slice of toast like he did every day for as long as he remembered.
He washed off his plate and began to pack a lunch when his daughter came into
the kitchen. “Morning dad” she said reaching for the coffee pot, what are you
up to today”? He smiled at her and said “Same thing I have been doing for as
long as I can remember” he said. She watched as the old man made a sandwich and
washed an apple putting them into a brown paper bag then sitting down with her
at the table he just kind of went blank. She got herself ready for work
thinking how sad it really was that he went through this every morning
believing he was still a younger man that went to work at the mill everyday for
over forty years. She kissed his cheek and said good by on her way out the door
never forgetting to tell him to have a great day. She often wondered what he
did once she left?
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Anybody out there?
Author Mike OConnor: Anybody out there?: Someone asked me today if I had a girlfriend? They asked why not? I had to think about that for awhile, then came back with my ans...
Anybody out there?
Someone asked me
today if I had a girlfriend? They asked why not? I had to think about that for
awhile, then came back with my answer. I told her that I wasn’t very lucky in
the dating world. I don’t drink anymore, or go to bars, which is where I always
met ladies usually turning into something from the Bates Motel. I am a quiet
man with no desire for drama. I told her I am at an age where the younger
ladies, let's say in their forties, think I'm an old man, and the ladies my age
don’t quite fit the profile I'm looking for. That leaves ladies in their
fifties who are looking for forty-year-old men, I'm screwed. Then there's the
matter of what I could bring to a relationship? Well, I am a writer who spends
time everyday writing its time I won't give up. I live a very modest life with
my dog who gives me more affection than anything or anyone could give. I drive
a twenty-year-old truck with no intention of renting something newer to impress
anyone. What money I once had is just that, once. I am quiet by nature but do
enjoy a good conversation as long as it doesn’t include politics. I believe in
God and pray for a lot of people on a daily basis. I don’t like social media
very much but keep a presence to market my books. I own several guns and love
to shoot whenever I can. I see a shrink every four months to talk about my most
inner feelings and how best to deal with them.I'm not crazy, I'm just someone
who needs to let it out at times and hear a response from someone with a
degree. Oh and I live in a mobile home but you can call it a trailer if you
want to. I depend on myself to be happy or sometimes sad. I love the ocean and
rivers but hate Florida ponds and lakes simply because I hate gators and
snakes. My idea of someone I would like to spend time with fits into the
categories I have mentioned. Someone who is looking for a companion to have a
meal with, take a walk on the beach or sit by the river just looking. Someone
who has learned the education of the streets and knows what they like and don’t
like.Someone I can write a story about and will hold my hand when we go
somewhere.Someone with a beautiful smile and haunting eyes that can look deep
into my soul. Are you out there somewhere? Maybe there is someone for me and
maybe not. I will continue to live my life, doing the things I do and maybe
someday someone special will walk right into my life.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: His porch
Author Mike OConnor: His porch: He sat on his front porch on a fine summer evening watching and waving to passersby as they took their evening walk. Some would nod others...
His porch
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The painter
Author Mike OConnor: The painter: Back and forth he guided the brush each stroke a carefully thought out move. He paints houses, has been for over forty-five years. S...
The painter
Friday, July 6, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: His chair
Author Mike OConnor: His chair: The chair at the head of the table sits empty now. It seems so odd not to see him sitting there parting words of wisdom to generatio...
His chair
Author Mike OConnor: The lake house
Author Mike OConnor: The lake house: She sat at the edge of the dock on a warm spring day. Her feet just touching the water sending shivers through her. Looking out over ...
The lake house

So many holidays were
spent here, each bringing with it the imagination of her parents that brought
the place alive with their handmade decorations and hard but loving work. She
sat and remembered as many of those days as she could before having to leave
for the last time. She sold the house on the lake to a young couple who told
her about their dream of having a place where family and friends could gather
and make memories to last a lifetime. The taxi was waiting as she took one last
look at the place that made her who she was, a wife, mother, great, great
grandmother and a friend that lasted for her forever.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The day after
Author Mike OConnor: The day after: Dozens if burnt out bottle rockets litter the yardsteet and the roof. Shriveled up burgers and the few remaining hot dogs don’t loo...
The day after
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Love songs
Author Mike OConnor: Love songs: He didn't feel as old as his actual years and it made him wonder if others felt the same? He had made eighty-two journeys arou...
Love songs
He didn't feel as
old as his actual years and it made him wonder if others felt the same? He had
made eighty-two journeys around the sun and lived a very full life. His wife's been
away awhile now and the kids were all grown with kids of their own. His life
was his and he spent it in ways he felt would do some good for others. On
Fridays, he visited a nursing home not far from his house so he walked and
along the way would tip his hat to passers-by smiling, and almost all smiled back.
He dressed in what he liked mostly colorful shirts and a big red bow tie. He
wore whats called “Spats” for shoes and his jacket held a carnation pinned to
the lapel. A small man by stature he was a sight to behold for sure. He loved
to sing, something he had been doing since he could remember. He sang to his
wife, his children, and grandchildren and to himself. His library of songs was
as large as his heart. Entering the nursing home he broke into a rendition of “Sweet
Adeline” slowly walking down the long hallways stopping at every room to share
a song and a smile. On most days he would spend a while longer at the rooms
where no visitors were, asking the resident their favorite song. He knew it of
course as he knew all the good ones. At the last room he sat down and smiled at
the lady in the bed, her beautiful face returning the smile and whispering to
him he had made her day with all those beautiful songs.’All for you my love” he
replied just seconds before she didn’t know who he was anymore. He bent over
her and softly kissed her and walked down the long hallway tipping his hat and
smiling along the way.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Heat
Author Mike OConnor: Heat: The street had a hot mist rising from it seconds after the rain stopped. It only rose a couple of feet before being sucked back into...
Author Mike OConnor: "Buddy"
Author Mike OConnor: "Buddy": He was a baby when he came into my life. A wobbling, happy, loving creature with only goodness in his heart. I cried when he fell a...

This is “Buddy”
my best friend.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Songs
Author Mike OConnor: Songs: The church was empty except for a rather large choir on the second level. They were practicing songs for an upcoming funeral mass. I...
Author Mike OConnor: Happy Fourth of July
Author Mike OConnor: Happy Fourth of July: The boy was home alone which he sometimes was now that he was twelve. He knew all the rules and the consequences f for breaking them...
Happy Fourth of July
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Sweet sleep
Author Mike OConnor: Sweet sleep: He tried to sleep but his memories of time past kept him awake. The soft chimes and momentary beeps of machines around and on him didn’...
Sweet sleep
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