Hello everyone, I hope this day finds you in good health and happiness.
I want to thank all of you who have read my blogs and responded to me with your thoughts and comments. Today I want to talk a little about my latest book titled "Raw emotions" Many of you have purchased the book and I thank you for doing so. In this book, I have tried to tell a multitude of stories pertaining to topics we all face on our journey through life. There are "love stories" and stories about "life". I have also written about "the dark side" which all of us have inside of us waiting to get out, and for you motorcycle addicts there are several pieces about biker life I hope you enjoy and relate too.
In past blogs, I have posted some excerpts from my book to wet your appetite in hopes you will want to read more and yes purchase the book. The world of writing books is a huge place with tens of thousands of writers competing for a space on your bookshelves or reading devices. Achieving this is no small task and takes daily work if you hope to be successful. I didn't write this book or any of my books for success but rather as a legacy for my children and grandchildren so they will always have a part of me with them for all time.
I truly enjoyed writing "Raw emotions" and hope you will enjoy reading it. Again a heartfelt thank-you to all of you who have purchased your copy. For those who have not here's how!
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You can also visit my author page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mikeoconnor-author
Thanks and have a day to remember!
Looking good Mike, One of these days we will have to meet at Meg O'Malley's , Janet and love it and when in Melbourne we always stop by for a pint and sandwich.