I managed to get the door open but not all the way as he only needed a small space to dart through and take off in a run he had been dreaming of throughout the cold frozen winter. He ran faster and faster never slowing until he reached the back of the barn where he waited for me to catch up looking up at me with questioning eyes. Words weren’t needed, I just pointed to the meadow and he was off like a fur rocket darting left then right always moving until something would catch his attention like a bird or squirrel and then he became stealth slowly moving towards his target but never meaning harm.
I walked a distance behind him as keeping up was impossible. Finding a fallen tree to sit on I listened to his faint barking knowing he was in dog heaven running and just being him. After a breather, I set off in his direction and called him to me. It took him a couple minutes but within a short time, he was at my side panting like a marathon runner. I gave him some water and started picking twigs and other things off his coat as he looked up at me with thankful looks and an occasional lick of my cheek. I pointed towards the barn and he took off running again only this time he stopped every so often to smell a wildflower or turn over a small rock filling his lungs with the freshness of the season. Back in the house, he fell asleep and I poured another cup of coffee watching my friend as he dreamed of his day in the meadow.
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