Thursday, November 29, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Gentle breeze
Author Mike OConnor: Gentle breeze: The days aren’t so bad, but the nights can be quite lonely. It wasn’t always this way when she was here. There was laughter and funny mo...
Gentle breeze
The days aren’t so bad, but the nights can be quite lonely.
It wasn’t always this way when she was here. There was laughter and funny
moments that left smiles on both our faces. Those were simple times when a seat
on the front porch steps watching a sunset meant more to me than just about anything.
She would sit so close to me it felt like we were joined at the hip. We didn’t
speak much during those times on the steps, but words weren’t needed because
our thoughts were the same. Her head rested on my shoulder, and with each
gentle breeze, her favorite perfume filled me with love for her so deep it often
hurt. Now I sit on those steps with a small empty space next to me where she
once sat, her head on my shoulder and me hoping for a gentle breeze.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Pink knitted gloves
Author Mike OConnor: Pink knitted gloves: Her hands were covered with pink knitted gloves her mother made for her last birthday. They fit perfectly in his leather gloves like...
Pink knitted gloves

Time and
circumstance drew them apart as their teenage years flew past them, but the
memories stayed as vivid as the times themselves. She passed at a very young
age of a disease not yet understood back then, and a part of him died with her.
He went on with life, marrying and raising children, always remembering the
tenderness of their first love and stolen kisses under a mighty oak snow mixing
with her tears of happiness. He goes back home every year around the time of
her birthday taking flowers to her grave and gently touching her headstone with
a gentleness only she understood. He's old now and the visits not as frequent,
but he speaks to her often knowing that one day not too long from now she will
greet him with an outstretched hand in pink knitted gloves.
Author Mike OConnor: Frozen words
Author Mike OConnor: Frozen words: Pulling the tattered blanket closer to his chilled body, the man continued behind the typewriter with cold keys. Frost gathered on h...
Frozen words

Well into the
cold night he worked, the words mostly coming to him quickly but at times he
had to reach deep into his thoughts and hope to retain it as another piece of
the puzzle he was writing. Outside the wind had picked up creating a kind of
chaos within him but allowing for a much-needed break. Grabbing on to the glass
jar he made his way to the fireplace that had all but burned itself out. He had
to pay more attention to the real world and climb out of his typewriter. Piling
a few logs onto the embers, it didn't take long for the warmth to return to
both the room and to himself. Taking a seat in his favorite chair directly
across from his typewriter, he lit his pipe and stared at the box of memories
just sitting there waiting for him to return and resume the rat a tat tatting
of the keys. But his mood had been shattered for this night, all his words
remained prisoners of his mind remaining there in the darkness.
Tomorrow would
show up with freshly fallen snow and crystalized windows. His cat would eat a
hearty breakfast then settle into her favorite chair waiting for him to sit
down, pull the tattered blanket closer to his cold body and once again start
the soothing sounds of the old typewriter keys banging out memories as fresh as
that fallen snow.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Mall Santa
Author Mike OConnor: Mall Santa: The elderly man in a Santa suit prepared himself for his first day on the job as the Milton Valley mall Santa. He excelled at Santa s...
Mall Santa

The elderly man
in a Santa suit prepared himself for his first day on the job as the Milton
Valley mall Santa. He excelled at Santa school developing a boisterous “HO-HO-HO”
along with the patience of a saint. He had always dreamed of playing Santa, but
his life seemed to always get in the way, and his dream was put on hold. The
day he retired from the Union Pacific railroad his wife asked him what he was
going to do with his time? His first and immediate response was “Going to Santa
school” She smiled, patted his bald head and wished him luck, adding he may
want to consider putting on a few pounds and growing a beard. The beard was
easy but eating more took some doing as he never in his adult life tipped the
scales more than one hundred and fifty pounds.
Eight months
later he was ready for school, his hair had grown, and his beard now long and
snow white just like Santa himself. And, he had managed with the help of his long-time
bride to pack on a whopping sixty pounds which he proudly displayed with a “HO-HO-HO-
from the bottom of his big belly. He had ordered a Santa’s suit from the best
costume shop anywhere each detail was flawlessly created just for him, and the
result was indeed a vision to be seen. That first day at the mall found him
sitting on a massive throne of a chair, behind him a winter wonderland of
lights and sounds of Christmas. The children were lined up to sit on Santa’s
lap telling him their wishes and him asking if they had been good little boys
and girls the past year? At days end with the last child walking away turning
her head for one last look, he winked, and she disappeared into the crowd.
That night he
reflected on the day and the children’s wishes. It surprised him how many little
ones asked him to please bring their mommy or daddy home for Christmas as they
were off at war and probably couldn't come home. He spoke to them softly
telling them their mommy or daddy were giving the whole country the greatest
gift anyone could ever give, the gift of freedom. He told them he would see
their mommy or daddy on Christmas Eve no matter where they might be, and he
would be sure to tell them how much they are loved and missed. This seemed to
brighten their moods as they kissed his cheek and climbed off his lap a candy
cane in hand and hope in their little hearts.
He spent seven
weeks representing Santa, every day better than the last. He saw the kindness
in children he didn't know existed at such an early age as well as the pain
they kept inside knowing full well the meaning of war and separation Once his
job was over, and the Santa suit dry cleaned and put away for another year he
sat down, lit his pipe and began the long task of reading letters to Santa care
of Milton Valley mall. He had a hunch he would be there for many years to come.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: Choices
Author Mike OConnor: Choices: You could hear a pin drop as he walked into the dark kitchen. He didn’t need a light, he has walked the route from bedroom to kitche...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The box
Author Mike OConnor: The box: He pulled the box from the bedroom closet, almost spilling the contents as his once “Guns” were now more like flabs of fear. Setti...
The box
He pulled the box
from the bedroom closet, almost spilling the contents as his once “Guns” were
now more like flabs of fear. Setting the box on the bed he began to look
through all the cards, letters, and keepsakes she had given to him over the
decades they had together. As he went through each one, he took a moment to
re-live the exact moments, each as beautiful as the others. A birthday card
from his fiftieth saying not to worry he wasn't that old. There was a picture
of a walker and adult diapers. He chuckled a bit and moved on. He pulled out a
piece of red ribbon that he recalled she gave to him on valentines day. She had
wrapped herself in ribbon and not much else. He could still see her dancing
around the room laughing as he unwound the gift underneath.
He held other
pieces of their time like a movie stub to "Gone with the wind" and
another from "It's a wonderful life" She spilled coke on her favorite
blouse at that movie and cried. He assured her he would get her another just
like it. There was a picture ID of her on a red cross volunteer badge she
proudly wore as she helped those in need. He loved her for that, and so many
other qualities she possessed. There were a few snapshots of them together at a
county fair her holding a huge helping of cotton candy, and another of them
holding each other at Niagara Falls on their honeymoon so very long ago. He
finished going through his memories and replaced the box in the closet until
the next time he had to see her face, smell her sent and remembers just how
lucky they were to have had each other.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: The end of words
Author Mike OConnor: The end of words: He sits at his desk trying hard to be creative, but the only words in his head were those of a time when all he had to do was look a...
The end of words
Friday, November 9, 2018
Author Mike OConnor: A child
Author Mike OConnor: A child: Nothing can pierce your heart more than a child who has grown up so quickly that he stands six feet tall but still needs help gettin...
A child
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