When it seems the
weight of the world rests upon your shoulders close your eyes and travel back
to a happy time in your life. It can be as easy as eating an ice cream cone
from the ice-cream man who stopped in front of your house. Maybe it was the moment
you first got to hold your new baby sister, or helped dad mow the lawn with
your very own toy lawnmower that even made noise like dads did. We all have so
many happy memories surely you can find one locked away for years until this
very moment when you need it.That weight you carry around with you can easily
be lifted with a memory of your first boy, girl dance when you asked the
prettiest girl in school for a dance and she said “yes” All of us
experience the burdens of life some more than others. It’s how we get through
it that defines us and keeps us moving forward. The next time you feel that
weight bearing down on you remember the funniest prank you ever pulled on
someone and see if you’re not smiling a smile you’ve been missing.
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