She would have
been well over one hundred years now, the lady I called “Granma”. In my
childhood she was my favorite person in the whole world. She had a hard life as
the stories say but she never showed me anything but love and kindness, hiding
the pain and hurt she felt inside. If I close my eyes I can see her in the
kitchen baking my favorite cookies or waving goodbye as she walked the couple
of miles to work in a local factory. She had a quiet way about her never
yelling but getting her point across with spoken words that both soothed and taught.
I miss her holding me and telling me stories of her days as a child growing up
in the turn of the century. Her time on the farm tending to the chickens and
milking cows for the fresh milk she would have for breakfast. She told me of
her days traveling with the circus and falling in love with the leader of the
band who would become my grandfather. I can still smell the perfume she wore
and feel the softness of her dress as I cuddled in her lap to hear her tell the
tales of her life. She was a gentle soul full of love to give and I drank in every
bit I could. She was one hundred and two when she left this world with a house
full of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren by her side. I
loved that lady with so much of my heart that I wondered if there would be room
enough to love others? I think of her often and see her in my dreams just like
she told me she would see me every night she tucked me into bed. Someday we
will meet again and walk among the angels, holding hands and telling stories
that will never end. Happy birthday Granma
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